Bio identical Hormones Hackensack, NJ - Harmony Hormone Clinic

Overview of Hormone Deficiency

Hormone deficiency can cause various undesirable signs and symptoms. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy helps alleviate these issues in a natural way by restoring optimal hormone levels. This section covers common hormone deficiencies and their associated symptoms.

Low Testosterone in Men

Low testosterone, clinically known as hypogonadism or andropause, becomes increasingly common as men age. Symptoms include:

Restoring testosterone levels can reverse these effects and help men regain their vitality.

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Menopause in Women

As women approach menopause, their bodies produce less estrogen and progesterone. This often causes symptoms like:

Bioidentical hormone therapy can reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms and help women feel like themselves again.

Other Hormone Deficiencies

Low levels of growth hormone, thyroid hormone and cortisol can also cause bothersome symptoms. Replacing deficient hormones offers symptom relief and restored wellbeing.

What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are substances that have a chemical structure identical to hormones produced naturally in the body. This allows them to bind perfectly to hormone receptors and mimic the action of our innate hormones.

There are bioidentical versions of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, growth hormone and other vital hormones. They may be derived from plant sources or custom-made by specialized compounding pharmacies.

When used properly under medical supervision, research suggests that bioidentical hormones effectively supplement hormone levels while avoiding risks associated with synthetic hormone replacement.^1 Many patients report improved quality of life and alleviated deficiency symptoms.

Take a blood test to assess hormone levels.

Assessing Hormone Levels

Determining if hormone deficiency is causing bothersome symptoms begins with blood tests. These provide objective measurements of circulating hormone levels.

The optimal range depends partly on the patient's age and sex. Providers may check levels of:

Testing hormone levels lets providers determine which bioidentical hormones to supplement. Follow-up blood work helps finalize optimal dosing. Ongoing monitoring allows for dosage adjustments over time.

Customized Treatment Protocols

After confirming hormone deficiency, providers develop a customized bioidentical hormone replacement plan. The goal is to safely elevate hormone concentrations into optimal ranges based on the blood test results.

Treatment usually starts with the lowest effective dose, increased gradually while monitoring progress. Hormone preparations, doses and delivery methods are tailored to each patient's needs.

For women in menopause, common protocols include:

For testosterone deficiency, options include:

Ongoing testing helps ensure optimal hormone balance is achieved and maintained long-term.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones derived from plants can provide relief from menopause symptoms just as effectively as traditional hormone therapy, without some of the risks. Yet many doctors still hesitate to prescribe them due to lack of large-scale studies confirming their long-term safety profile.

Lifestyle Recommendations

Bioidentical hormones work best alongside a healthy lifestyle. Recommended habits include:

Adopting healthy behaviors enhances treatment results. Local resources like fitness centers, spas and counseling support optimal wellness.

Take control of your hormone deficiency today!

The Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

When prescribed appropriately, research suggests bioidentical hormone replacement therapy offers multiple benefits:^2

Patients often describe feeling like themselves again thanks to normalized hormone levels.

Importance of Timely Diagnosis and Treatment

Hormone levels decline gradually, so deficiency often goes unnoticed at first. Symptoms are often incorrectly chalked up to normal aging.

However, the chronic effects of hormone deficiency significantly impact quality of life while raising risks for certain diseases. Restoring balance earlier maximizes benefits.

Therefore, adults experiencing concerning symptoms should consider getting tested. Accurately diagnosing and addressing deficiencies early on can help patients regain wellness faster.

Ongoing management ensures lasting relief. Our knowledgeable providers develop personalized treatment regimens using the safest hormone preparations at optimal doses.

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